Founded in 1984, the network of the French Association of Pastoralism brings together specialists from different professional families working in the field of pastoralism in France and abroad: farmers and shepherds, researchers, agricultural technicians, environmental managers, cultural agents, teachers and students.
This site is both an interactive link between all the mountaineers of the world, a place of exchange and sharing but also a center of resources and initiatives for all those interested in mountain areas and their populations.
Routes of the Orient is an interuniversity student association to promote research and encourage the dissemination of news in Eastern archeology through the publication of a scientific journal
Cardère édition publishes poetry, prose fiction, and scientific and technical literature, among other things on pastoralism.
(Centre for International Cooperation in Agronomic Research for Development)
This association, very active on its territory, aims to launch and coordinate all likely to develop concrete actions to consolidate, sustain pastoral and forestry activities in the mountain area and to harmonize relations between owners and users of pastures.